Category: Leadership
Carolyn Krahn
Sergeant-at-Arms Carolyn Krahn is the Executive Director of an employment rights agency that assists workers in navigating employment legislation and providing free public legal education. She has chaired several Boards […]
Gus Anastasakis
Treasurer I started at SGI in November of 2018 at Regina Salvage, I worked at Salvage as an Autotrades 1 for about 8 months before moving into the Adjusting world […]
Jen Adams
Recording Secretary Property adjuster for SGI, previous balloting board chair, previous Prairie council member and long time shop steward. Currently recording Secretary and member of the Political Acrion Committee. Mom […]
Jeremy Koskie
1st Vice-President I have been involved in the union since 2004. I started as a shop steward and was elected to the Saskatoon sub local in 2006 as 2nd Vice […]
Stephanie Kerr
President Stephanie Kerr has been elected December 2, 2021 to a 3-year term as president of COPE local 397 (Canadian Office and Professional Employees) Union. She was first elected on […]