Organizational Structure
6 Executive Board Members
25 Prairie Council Members
71 Stewards
13 Committees
2200+ Members
Regular Membership and Bargaining, Unit Meetings
Structural Chart

Unions are a Democracy

Our Members run our Union. Our Union Officers are elected by the Members to represent all members of COPE Local 397. The Executive Board is elected for a three-year term. The Prairie Council Members are elected to a two-year term. Stewards are elected from within their work area.
Executive Board and Prairie Council

The Executive Board consists of the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Sergeant-at-Arms. Executive Board members are elected by a plurality of the voting membership. The Board meets monthly to discuss administrative and operational issues. The Board reports to the Prairie Council on policy and financial matters.
COPE 397 Executive Board

President: Jason Hicks
1st Vice-President: Jeremy Koskie
2nd Vice-President: Mark Morley
Treasurer: Gus Anastakasis
Recording Secretary: Jen Adams
Sergeant-at-Arms: Carolyn Krahn
Cope 397 Prairie Council

Prairie Council Members are responsible for setting guidelines for policy and financial matters. The Executive Board, on a day-to-day basis, works within those guidelines. Prairie Council meetings are held at least four times each year. The Prairie Council consists of all the members of the Executive Board together with representatives from the following units:
- SGI – Regina
- SGI – Saskatoon
- SGI – North
- SGI – South
- SK NDP Provincial Office
- SK NDP Caucus Office
- RM of Alexander
- Edmonton Unit
- Calgary Unit